Late November 2024 I had a dream Jesus will return in three years
The End of Time and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Mind reading is not science its daemonic
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- How to Resurrect an Ancestor 101
- DNA hack Mark of the beast used to facilitate mind reading across genetic tribal bonderies (Human GMO)
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- Angels-Ancestors. Why we should not re-engineer any genome of any type GMO
- Twelve Gods/Agels, Twelve Tribes, Twelve Churches
- The Christian Bible and its Prophecies
- I Esdras Chapter 11 and 13 From the Apocrypha
- My Revelations Visions (non believers would call them hallucinations or perhaps Electronic Harassments
- DNA Geneticly modified bio weapons (GMO)
- Stats search keywords March 2011 to Jan 2012
- Angels-Ancestors. Why we should not re-engineer any genome of any type GMO
- My Revelations Visions (non believers would call them hallucinations or perhaps Electronic Harassments
The End of Time and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Monday, December 30, 2024
The 7 headed beast with ten kings/horns =The G7 and Eu
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Revelation 13-3 The Beast Trump???
3 One of his heads appeared to me to have been mortally wounded, but its mortal wound had been healed. The whole world then became fascinated with the beast, 4 and they worshiped the dragon because he had conferred authority on the beast. They also worshiped the beast, saying, “Who can compare with the beast? Who can fight against it?”
The seven headed beast is the G7 nations. The seven heads on the beast are the leaders of the G7 nations and the ten horns are the European Union kings
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Esdras Eagle Trump presidency
There is prophecy called Esras eagle from the apocrypha 2 Esdras 11 written 2500 years ago. The final part of this prophecy has been interpreted as there will be a dispute of who will be president and the deep state will then assign a new leader it will be neither Trump or Kamila There are a couple of good video's on it on Youtube here is a good one, October 3, 2024
We are being played by Satan stop the fighting
albert pike letter to giuseppe mazzini
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the
"agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The
war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism
(the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the
point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the
Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror
will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most
bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of
revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned
with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction,
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light
through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the
destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Pope Francis the false prophet
Francis is the false prophet in rev 19:20 He is also secretly an atheist He believes the world is overpopulated and believes in climate change and promotes abortion tainted vaccines as if God can’t help us with these issues through prayer. I have seen him even posing in photos with Bill Gates the antichrist and now he denies Jesus is the only path to God
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Muslim Heroes
What is going on with the modern Muslims?
Grand Mosque of Paris during
World War II: The mosque’s officials began issuing false Muslim identity
papers, known as “certificates of Muslim identity,” to Jewish individuals
seeking refuge. These documents stated that the holders were of Algerian or other
North African Muslim descent, effectively providing them with a shield of
protection against the Nazi authorities1.
Khaled Abdul Wahab: He
sheltered about two dozen Jews in Tunisia during World War II2.
Abdol Hossein Sardari: An
Iranian diplomat who is credited with helping thousands of Jews escape Nazi
soldiers by issuing them passports2.
The Pilkus: A Muslim family
in Albania who harbored young Johanna Neumann and her mother in their home
during the German occupation and convinced others that the two were family
members visiting from Germany2.
These examples show the
extraordinary acts of bravery and compassion that were carried out by these
individuals and communities, often at great personal risk. They remind us of
the power of unity and solidarity in the face of adversity
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
The 144000
The Book of Enoch contains several end-time prophecies. Here are some of them:
Coming of the Lord: The Book of Enoch prophesies the coming of the Lord with thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him
Sunday, July 7, 2024
God created Adam and Eve
God created Adam and Eve he did non create Adam and Eve1 Eve2 Eve3 and Eve4
Having sex with Eve2 or Eve3 or Eve4 while still being married to Eve1 would be considered adultery
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Islam as well as the Catholic, Protestant churches and the Jewish house of assembly
Just because there may be vipers in the clergy or mixed with the teachers does not mean the entire flock is condemned
Revelation 20:12
And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne; and books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works.
Mohammad and Christianity
Mohammad may be a failed prophet but Islam has brought many many Muslims to true Christianity
Thursday, July 4, 2024
To our Muslim friends
Muslim women Mohammad and his companions corrupted your holy book come to the truth in Christ to be saved.
Some of the corruptions in the holy Quran seemed to only benefit Mohammad and his companions on the other hand, the alleged corruptions by Paul in the New Testament did not benefit anyone and did nothing but explain more truths about Jesus. Aisha alluded to some of the corrupted Quranic verses in Sahih al-Bukhari 4788 “I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires."
If we can only convince our Muslims friends to set aside questionable Quran verses we could start to work together In fact it is imperative that all Believers ,Muslims, Jews and Christians should set aside all difference to defeat the atheist Dajjal who is currently destroying the earth read my previous posts for more info on the antichrist
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Muslims be careful of Jihad
Muslims be careful what is your motive? Are you sure you are truly martyring yourself just to please Allah and not just to go to Jannah? That would be haram. Think about it.
If you sin or have had performed haram with the following thinking that its ok, and you will go to Jannah anyways because you plan to martyr your self during a jihad. This is wrong thinking you will most likely not go to Jannah.
This also includes performing sins or haram or while executing jihad.
Monday, June 24, 2024
Bill Gates the Puppet Master Antichrist aka The Dajjal France 7/7 ??
Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Agnostics it is now time to wakeup
Following is a quote from bill gates regarding intelligent design theory. I
found this quote way back in the early 2000nds. Here he admits divinity in
creation. He now seems to have changed his thoughts on this and claims atheism.
"DNA is like a computer program but far, far
more advanced than any software we've ever created." This new evidence
requires a new explanation not shackled by materialistic dogma."
I propose he is working directly with
Satan now as I am working directly with God the Father.
Do you think that Bill would give up control of
Microsoft with its many many software’s including A.I with its backdoors and numerous
APIs that run on most G7 and G20 nations government smartphone apps, computer
servers, and desktops. Most fortune five hundred corporation's use these as
well. In conjunction with AI, which is much further along then they reported do
you realize the power Bill has not even mentioning what his Bill and Malinda
Gates foundation has its fingers in.
AI is
currently being used in conjunction with social media to cause discourse to
create culture and race wars. He already owns the world. We are talking Doctor
Evil incarnate.
strangle hold he has on us is undoable without Gods help. Atheists take head
this is the biblical end times. Bill and Satan AKA the antichrist/Dajjal are
going to use the Muslims to kill off the Jews. Then use them to kill off the
Christians and then use his possie to kill off the Muslims. Wake up people.
Why do you think the woke left who
seems to have all the power keeps crying Islamophobes any time we complain they
are protecting them.
Please Share this it is important My blog has been shadow banned and it will not show
up in most searches.
Sunday, June 23, 2024
I suspect problems in France on July 7th.
Because of the election major riots by Muslims.. What else happened on July 7th 2005 23 years ago.
I suspect on that same day, Hezbollah war with Israel will start. possibly other things may happen too.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Friday, June 21, 2024
Thursday, June 20, 2024
This site has been shadow banned for a long time
This site has been shadow banned for a long time. It does not show up on the usual search engines. If you find yourself on this site somehow and you think this info useful please forward it to others
ATM Cards Cell Phone Chips and the mark
People believe the mark of the beast will be some sort of
implant or tattoo that will be used to control your buying spending and selling
habits. News flash this is already in place it has been in place for some time
now. Prety much all westerners if not all the people of the world have an ATM
bank card chip or a chip in their cell phones that already can perform these functions.
This is not the mark however it will enable the mark to function fully. The
mark is a DNA hack How it will work it is still to be determined.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Gang Stalking Electronic Harassment and Mind Control
Gang Stalking Electronic Harassment and Mind Control
I have been constantly experiencing the following tactile responses similar to what is described below since April 2007. Theses sensations seem to respond to and answer questions I may be thinking of I do not have to speak out loud for the response I just have to think it.
I have also been experiencing seeing sevens nine times out of ten every time I look at a digital clock the last (minute) digit is a seven IE 3:37 or 5:47. According to the odds I should only see sevens approximately one time out of 10
I copied the following excerpt below from a web site that claimed this was the result of microwave harassment and mind control. Others besides me seem to be experiencing this as well. I assure you no man made technology exists that can do this it is supernatural in nature. If you experience this use caution as the responses may be lies
Mid reading = Locus described in Revelations 9
The following is a webpage on The NSA and mind control I a sure you its demonic not scientific in nature
1. Tactile hallucinations can be more durable and are used to
communicate a desired direction to the subject typically after a real-
time interrogation. Typical behavioral cues issued by the NSA are
manifested in the form of:
1. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the right index
finger (symbolizing Faith or have Faith).
2. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the left index
finger (symbolizing no Faith or "deception of Satan").
3. Temporary sensation of pressure to the center of the right palm
(symbolizing Jesus "Sitting at the right-hand of God").
4. Temporary sensation of pressure to the ball of the right foot
(symbolizing "Get on the Ball" or "hurry-up").
5. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the right foot big
toe (symbolizing "Right Direction").
6. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the right foot
center toe (symbolizing "Fucking-up Direction").
7. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the left foot big
toe (symbolizing "Wrong Direction").
8. Temporary sensation of pressure to the buttocks (symbolizing "Bad
Attitude" or "subject is acting like an ass").
9. Temporary sensation of pressure on tip of penis or clitoris
(symbolizes immoral thoughts like subject is thinking/acting with his
penis or her clitoris).
10. Temporary sensation of pressure to the left ear drum (symbolizing
"do not listen").
11. Temporary sensation of pressure to the right ear drum
(symbolizing "listen").
12. An involuntary blink of the right or left eye (symbolizing: right
eye = God's agreement or left eye = Satan's agreement).
13. Temporary tingling sensation on the Testicles (symbolizing
insufficient male confidence or "Having no balls or strength").
14. Temporary tingling on other areas of the body to imply that
something invisible and/or supernatural is touching the subject. May
be perceived as threatening or reassuring to the subject. Can be used
to intimidate and confuse the subject often times combined with
additional posthypnotic implants to inflict delusions like "being
attacked with microwaves" or being caressed by Angels.
15. Muscular spasm or perceived pressures near the jugular vein on
right side of neck (symbolizing Satan having subject by Jugular or
throat). This is used to inflict fear and doubt.
16. Muscular spasms are sometimes used to inflict severe pain on the
subject by causing extreme involuntary contraction of the sphincter
in the anal region or other lower back or leg muscles.
17. Perceived odor sensation of a thick, sweet smell (symbolizing
Satan's sweet victory over the subject's soul).
Darwin's Tree of Life
The Jews Christians and Islam believe we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. Atheists believed we evolved from apes.
In the beginning. The creator created 12 tribes/churches and placed them around the earth. 5 tribes in the western hemisphere and seven tribes in the eastern hemisphere. 12 couples 24 elders.King and Queens. Through the body and blood of Christ and the Daughter of Woman thus making her Queen of Queens and Christ King of Kings. The 24 elders are only now realizing this mystery.Darwin's Tree of Life
Sunday, June 16, 2024
The Number of Man 666 DNA
The number of man is a number between 1 and 666. This is a total guess but it may be 616
" a fragment of the papyrus 115 gives the number as 616" google this
Genotype Combinations in Family Pedigrees
Genotype Combinations for Unsampled Individuals:
- If some members of the parental generation are not sampled, the number of possible genotype combinations can be much larger.
- This depends on the number of alleles (k) at each locus. For example, if k=5 among the sampled individuals, we need to account for a potential sixth allele present among the unsampled individuals.
- Consider a two-locus haplotype (combination of alleles at two different loci). With 5 alleles at each locus, there are 6×6=36 potential two-locus haplotypes.
- Each unsampled individual can have 36×37/2=666 potential different genotypes.
Total Parental Genotype Combinations:
- In a family where only full siblings are sampled, we consider 666×667/2=222,111 distinct parental genotype combinations.
- Each of these combinations must be tested against the offspring’s genotypes.
Simplifying the Problem:
- To manage complexity, prior examination of single-locus incompatibilities between parental and offspring genotypes can eliminate many parental genotypes.
- Algorithms can help identify compatible parental genotypes based on observed offspring genotypes.
Polymorphism Levels:
- The complexity increases exponentially with the number of alleles (approximately the eighth power of k).
- Researchers often restrict themselves to moderately low levels of polymorphism (k≤5) to handle the computational load.
Remember that this explanation simplifies the topic, but it captures the essential aspects of genotype combinations in family pedigrees. If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask
Friday, June 14, 2024
October 7th
October 7 was likely a false flag inspired by Satanic greed and perpetrated by corrupted Israelis and Hamas Arabs.
Why Oil and gas fields of the coast of Gaza
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Why This Chaos
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Islam and The End Times
The Blessed Trinity
God in three persons meaning we, everyone can observe or pray
to the one God as three different persons, the Father, the Son and or the holy
Ghost simultaneously or individually.
If you can not
comprehend or understand this then I would suggest to you “God knows best”. the
Christian term for “Allah knows best”
Son of God
I and my father are one.” John 10:27-30.
You are one with your father, I am one with my father, and
Jesus is one with his father.
God sent down via the holy spirit his created divine holy
seed to Mary’s womb and there conceived a child. This child is the Son of God
incarnate Jesus. Since his father was a god, this would make Jesus a god not a
cat not a dog not a mouse but a god his father was a god and is God. Jesus like
his father is a god.
If you can not
comprehend or understand this then I would suggest to you “God knows best”. the
Christian term for “Allah knows best”
The Quran
Your book does possess many verses of divine wisdom however your
Quran is corrupt. Mohammad himself corrupted the verses himself. How do I know?
Q4-34?? It is not ok t
"Idrib" strike or beat your wife when in disagreement this is absurd
Q4-157?? Is absurd Jesus was crucified died and rose again
from the dead.
Q65-4 does seem to
imply and infer that marital sex is ok with prepubescent girls
To determine if a woman is not pregnant and ready for
marriage the following waiting period is prescribed
As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you
do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not
menstruated as well. As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends
with delivery.1 And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make their matters
easy for them.
There are many other corrupted verses as well. How to
determine if a verse is corrupt? Simple read the verse and if it sounds absurd or
seems self serving or contradicts the bible it is very likely corrupt. End of
Mohammads on his death bed
“Oh I feel like my
aorta has been cut” Why?
Your religion is corrupt and is spreading lies and rumours
via false hadiths
The Torah and the Injeel
are in the bible and according to your Quran at the time of Mohammad these
books existed and were still preserved and intact and have not been corrupted there
is absolute proof that todays bible has not been changed since before Mohammads
time and if you think it is now corrupted prove it
Fortunately for us,
your book and our book agree one thing and that is hell does in fact exist. Look
at the parable the wheat and the tares in the Gospel according to Matthew
13:24–43 it applies to all of us Christians Muslims and all the world.
The Enemy is the Nonbelievers aka The Woke Left
The real enemy is the group of nonbelievers under the spell
of Satan, not the Muslims, Christians, or the Jews. Sadly, most of the
nonbelievers are apostates from the Christians, the Jews and not so much the
This the task of uniting these three faiths may seem
impossible but with some miracles and assistance of the 144000 this can be done.
Mark 3.10
The True Final Prophet
When Jesus / Isa comes back at the end of time he will be
the true and final prophet and will establish a new and final covenant with the
144000 mentioned in the book of revelations which includes Christians Muslims
and Jews also the twelve apostles aka twelve Imams
Thursday, April 25, 2024
The Destruction of Damascus Nuclear Event??? Isaiah 17 soon to be fulfilled
Isaiah 17 soon to be fulfilled
Nuclear event???
must watch this you tube video it was first published just months before October 7 war
Sunday, April 7, 2024
eclipse Babylon?? 3 days ??. Isaiah 29 Lebanon NY earthquake
I suspected this NY Earthquake back in August when I first learned about the eclipse but i expected this to occur on the day of the eclipse Babylon?? 3 days ??. Isaiah 29 Lebanon
Hizballah - Isaiah 29 - Eclipse - Earthquake April 5 mystery Babylon
Hizballah Iran verses Israel. The eclipse marks the kickoff off WW3
Secular Zionists and Islam will destroy each other at this point.
Earthquake April 5 was at mystery Babylon
The Catholic feast of Annunciation Monday, April 8
Eclipse Monday, April 8
End of Ramadan Tuesday, April 9
Incarnate of God ??? April, 15 ???
Friday, March 29, 2024
Thursday, March 21, 2024
The Quran abrogated
I suspect that the Quran was originally inspired by God but later changed some how. I specifically I suspect the verses about Christs crucifixion were abrogated or somehow changed as well as some other verses
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Shadow banned
My site has been shadow banned by most of the search engines out there. My hit rate has dropped drastically If you find yourself on this site and you find a blog entry that my should be shared can you please share this URL
Satan and drug use
I do not why no one makes the connection with terrorism and
the widespread use in the middle east of
a drug called captagon. This drug has similar properties as methamphetamine and
is known to give users a direct connection to Satan and or his demons. Psychiatrist
will describe this phenomenon psychosis or delusions. This widespread drug use
in the middle east means we are not only fighting plain humans we are also fighting
demons power and principalities. The best way to fight these demons is through
prayer and supplication. Maybe warning these terrorists if they fight while
high on this drug as the ones from Hamas that attacked Israel did and die they
will go directly to hell.
I would like to know
how wide spread the use of this drug is being used by these middle east
My site has been shadow banned by most of the search engines out there. My hit rate has dropped drastically If you find yourself on this site and you find a blog entry that my should be shared can you please share this URL
Monday, March 11, 2024
666 haplotypes
Genotype Combinations in Family Pedigrees
Genotype Combinations for Unsampled Individuals:
- If some members of the parental generation are not sampled, the number of possible genotype combinations can be much larger.
- This depends on the number of alleles (k) at each locus. For example, if k=5 among the sampled individuals, we need to account for a potential sixth allele present among the unsampled individuals.
- Consider a two-locus haplotype (combination of alleles at two different loci). With 5 alleles at each locus, there are 6×6=36 potential two-locus haplotypes.
- Each unsampled individual can have 36×37/2=666 potential different genotypes.
Total Parental Genotype Combinations:
- In a family where only full siblings are sampled, we consider 666×667/2=222,111 distinct parental genotype combinations.
- Each of these combinations must be tested against the offspring’s genotypes.
Simplifying the Problem:
- To manage complexity, prior examination of single-locus incompatibilities between parental and offspring genotypes can eliminate many parental genotypes.
- Algorithms can help identify compatible parental genotypes based on observed offspring genotypes.
Polymorphism Levels:
- The complexity increases exponentially with the number of alleles (approximately the eighth power of k).
- Researchers often restrict themselves to moderately low levels of polymorphism (k≤5) to handle the computational load.
Remember that this explanation simplifies the topic, but it captures the essential aspects of genotype combinations in family pedigrees. If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask
The number of genotype combinations for each family is the product of the number of possible genotypes for each member of the family. If all independent individuals of the pedigree (the parents) are present in the sample, the total number of genotype combinations will be rather small and will depend mainly on the number of double heterozygotes in the sample. However, if some members of the parental generation are not sampled, then the number of possible genotype combinations may be very large, and this number will depend on the number of alleles (k) at each locus. For instance, consider the case in which k=5 among the sampled individuals. For each locus, we have to allow for the presence of a sixth allele that may be present among the unsampled individuals of the pedigree but that would have escaped detection because it would not have segregated, by chance, in one of the offspring. In this case, there are 6×6=36 potential two-locus haplotypes and 36×37/2=666 potential different genotypes for each unsampled individual. Therefore, in a family in which only full sibs are sampled, 666×667/2=222,111 distinct parental genotype combinations are possible, and the compatibility of all of them must be tested against the offspring's genotypes. In practice, a great many parental genotypes may be eliminated by a prior examination of single-locus incompatibilities between parental and offspring genotypes (e.g., for a description of a simple algorithm, see Lange and Boehnke 1983). Thus, since the complexity of the problem increases with approximately the eighth power of k, we have restricted ourselves to moderately low levels of polymorphism at each locus, with k≤5.
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Zechariah 12 King James Version
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Ben Shapiro
I used to like Ben Shapiro until he went on a rant about
Jesus Christ implying that Jesus weas a fraud at least the Muslims admit that
Jesus was a prophet. Ben read Isaiah 53 its in the torah and the old testament
it was written 2700 years ago 700 years before Christ. It is clear that this
scripture is about Jesus. Isaiah 53 is also about Jesuses second combing
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