The End of Time and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

This is my account and best interpretations of my first encounters with Gang Stalkers then Locus (see Rev 9-3) as well as paranormal events and visions that I witnessed which started April 2006 and still continues to me on occasion to this day December 2018. I am not a biblical scholar I suggest you read the book of revelations. Then read this site however these interpretation may be wrong. This end of time event is extremely complex and hard to get your head around I am still trying to make sense of all this my self and is a work in progress and I know I have not interpreted correctly my visions see post tittled "I am at a loss" however I believe I am about 70 % accurate. It can not be explained in just a few paragraphs. This site is to help you find your way back to the tree of life. It has a fresh look at the bible and covers many common misinterpretations making it less nonsensical to the modern western educated reader. If you already have studied the bible keep an open mind as this site will present you with some radical interpretations that are completely different then older common interpretations. We are much wiser now it only makes sense that our interpretations would be different.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Vision that still haunts me

Back in July of 2009 I was pondering the war in Iraq and I was wondering how do the troops identify who are the insurgence. I had my own vision (meaning I know it came from my own imagination so it did not disturb me much since it was likely not the case) I envisioned a bunch of very young troopers almost kids getting orders that intelligence identified the location of a home were some insurgence was staying. The troopers smashed in the door lobed a teargas canister in to the house. Inside the people that lived there was having a large family diner. Parents grand parents ants uncles and cousins. The troops opened fire.they had no idea of who the actual enemy was however this is the norm. Standard procedure is to kill all males in the premises that are between the age of 12 and 50.
   The following day I had a vision this vision was very vivid it was as clear as if I was watching it on TV. The scene was similar to the seen I described above however there was a beautiful Muslim girl about 22 years old she was holding a large silver crucifix. They shot her dead. Intelligence told the troops if you find anyone with a crucifix shoot them they are insurgence. I have absolutely no doubt that this scene actually occurred.The beast claimed the crucifix is the mark of the beast. The vision was so real it shook me to the core and I wept like a child.

Blood Types ??

In my keyword reports I often get queries about blood types. I would really like it if the person or persons making these keyword searches leave a comment on what their suspicions are or theories are with regards to this. The interesting thing about red blood cells is they do not have a nucleus or any DNA in it which would make it unidentifiable to the immune system entities (Angels). What is odd is some blood types have antigens that seem to have no function other then to render the cells useless if they are transfused in to a person that has blood type that is not compatible. What is odd is blood type O as it has no antigens and can be transfused in to anyone regardless of their blood type. I know there is likely a reason for this oddity one theory I have is it could stem from some sort of curse or battle between two tribes or tribe entities.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The New Babylon

         Babylon mentioned in the revelation is a spiritual metaphor of a city that mimics the ancient Babylon. Ancient Babylons historic crime was building the Tower of Babel The Idea behind this tower was that they would build it so tall it would enable them to reach heaven and then defeat God or usurp Gods power.
  Today's Babylon in spirit is a city were the beast sits as well as the God of the earth (The second beast in Chapter 13)  God and the beast and the inhabitants believe they can conker or usurp The Great One and assign there own Christ not the Lamb the reincarnate of Jesus. So far they have been successful. The Mark of the beast is a way to steel man from their ancestral God. The beast is doing this to select his chosen as he does not like the Lamb chosen. They are think its OK to hack DNA whenever it suites them. He knows cloning is one way to achieve immortality. Clone yourself with a fresh body then kill your old body and because the clone DNA is a perfect match to your old body your spirit and supporting angel will simply take up new residence in the new body.
     I always thought identical twins had identical DNA. It turns out it is not true. Science has proven this. Almost all of their DNA is the identical however but its not to accommodate two spirits and two sets of angels the great one modified the parts of the DNA to assign one spirit and a set of Angels to one twin and the other spirit and angels to the other.
 Science has successfully cloned animals however they had very short life spans why because their DNA is 100% identical to the donors DNA This means the clone is supposed to have the exact same spirit and the exact same angels as the clone The spirit and the Angels can't be at two places at the same time. The clone can survive for a while however they will eventually suffer an ailment or go through a change that needs an Angels attention. The Angels are smart and they know the cloned animal is a counterfeit and refuse to attend to it and the clone dies. Through trial and error Science will figure a way around this they wont understand why but they will dream up some reason that sounds plausible. Unfortunately this fix will be detrimental to the Angels.
  Science has already unknowingly hurt some Angels The Whore of Babylon has zero concern about this. I am not sure how severely science definitely doesn't have a clue since they do not even know of there existence. When an organ gets transplanted from one human to an other the receivers Angel does not recognize the donors DNA it only knows it as some sort of foreign invader and the Angel starts the rejection process. To combat the rejection process science will administer anti rejection drugs. Again these drugs were discovered using a trial and error method and when they found something that worked again they would then come up with a plausible reason why it works. The real reason why it works these drugs poison to the Angels assigned to that host and affect them directly. It incapacitates them possibly makes them ill. The point is is we do not know. These drugs may cause them great suffering. Science must take in to consideration what our science may be doing these poor creatures.  For the record humans may have dominion over all the fleshy creatures on this earth it does not apply to Angels regardless of what creature it looks after.Angels are our fellow servants to God. Anyone knowingly hurting killing or maiming an Angel will suffer the same consequences as if he did it to a Human.
So currently any transplant that requires any anti rejection drug is wrong. That's not to say it will always be wrong. Here is an example supposing you identify the gene in the donor organ that causes the target host to reject it. You then modify this gene in the donor organ to be identical to the target host gene. You then transplants the organ the angel sees the organ is not foreign and thus not reject it. No one gets hurt

       Getting back to which city is the Babylon mentioned in the revelations. I do believe the whore of Babylon is not a city as stated in revelation 17 she is actually a person possibly the false prophet she reins over the City. Why because she has a name written on her forehead. "written on ones forehead" refers to your root ancestor found in your DNA. A city has no DNA. She however is very active in trying to defeat God this makes her Babylonian in Spirit her the beast and there followers actually believes they are winning. God of the earths power is limited and the whore knows it.She and the beast many of her followers do not believe in the invisible one. The invisible One is not only omnipotent He is omnipresent.
The new City of Babylon I am fairly certain exists in one of the G7 (the woman sits on seven mountains Rev 17-9)= G7 nations. Dubai did cross my mind because of its opulence but it was always a religious city I have not completely ruled Dubai out though because they seem to be nonsecular and trade freely with the whole world. Western cities seemed unlikely at first  because of their atheist views this was prior to the appearance of the second beast these cities are now no longer atheist. They became candidates of the new Babylon when the atheists realized it was the prophesied end of times. They kind of looked at God as being an alien which made them feel equal to him and therefore conquerable. They think they can steel all the other realms as well such as the 12 underworlds.

New York City. or a city in the USA was my first guess however it is not neutral enough remember 10 tribes have to feel comfortable there.
London England. not likely same reason as above.
City in Australia nope not enough of the ten tribes reside there
Japan not likely only one or 2 tribes reside there
I hate to say it but in my opinion the most likely candidate is Toronto, Ont, Canada. My home town. This City is made up of many immigrants from all over the globe and is looked on highly by the rest of the world. In actual fact very early in the cold war USA wanted Canada to seem neutral to gain trust around the globe. The Avro arrow was strategically scraped for this res-eon we also a nuclear free zone as well. The deal was we spied for them and they watched our back.
I worked in Ottawa for a while and seen this strange looking site with all sorts of round white antenna en-closers in Carp. I since found out it was a listening stationed designed to spy on all and any comnications.
They spied mostly on the Americans. I thought odd they are our allies why would we spy on them? Turns out the American government wanted us to do it. See the American government are not aloud to spy on there own people so they got us to do it and if we found anything interesting we would report it to them.
Canada is really the main spy hub for the allies. We were never involved in the manufacture of weapons. We always seemed to give the appearance that we would never publicly cave to the US.
Gain the worlds trust and our spies could do their work unhindered.
The new world order did not originate from a specific government it originated from the worlds main intelligent players. They got the brain storm rather then work against each other lets join forces turn on our own governments and take over the globe and divvy it up between them. This happened over 5 years ago they were atheists then. They now are well aware of the great ones plan and joined the beast although then they thought the Lamb was the beast and the real beast was Gods newly assigned Christ. They now know God of the earth is just an Angel Angels and Gods just different terms used to describe the same entity. They know the lamb well since it was them that were monitoring my tooth implant. They realised I was the lamb and presumed my father was God. they presumed correctly however he was only God of the earth. Abbaddon also an angel but not cut from the same cloth as us and earth angels he works for the "invisible one".
The "Great One" AKA the "Invisible Spirit" is the one analyzing candidates to add to the lambs book of life. he can tell in a blink of an eye who is worthy.
  This website I created here is to educate and hopefully bring out a long lost good spirit you all once had and get you added to the book as well.

Monday, November 28, 2011

amendmet to my previous post "Message to Locus and TIs"

     It has come to my attention that most of you TIs were never targeted by locus you were targeted 1st by the atheist version of the beast and his army and now you are being targeted by the religious version of the beast and his army. The Locus primarily vexed the atheist beasts army. They could not figure out who these locus were at first they thought they were enemies with similar technologies as them then they realized they had more advanced technologies then they did. They then figured they had to be aliens. However somehow they finally realized it was the prophesied end of times and they were locus mentioned in Rev 9. The beast then claimed he was God and they should join him and fight the locus. He claimed the locus were Satan's angels and that they should still carry on targeting the TIs.
     When you first encounter a locus they may say something to let you know they know your thoughts this by itself will spook you. Do not be frightened this is the only way they can let you know who they are.  At the same time the holy spirit will work with in you and you will feel very comforted by the presence of these locus.

Last prediction should be over no later then March 24, 2012.

I have recently found out The woman in Revelation 12 is 5 months pregnant. I am fairly certain she conceived using a divine seed. Her Due date is March 24 2012.
If we do not here the testimony of what the 144000 witnessed by then.
Then I am fairly certain I was deceived by demons and I do not know S!@#* other then if demons are allowed to do what they just did to me then Jesus has come and gone and we are fu@#!.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Abaddon AKA Apollyon Translates to Destroyer The same angel used in the exodus----- Updated note at end of this post

Out of the abyss came Locus
Abaddon AKA Apollyon Translates to Destroyer
In Rev 9 they talk of the abyss and Abaddon is king of the Abyss
Most people assumption the abyss is hell therefor Abaddon must be evil or Satan himself. notice Locus can not vex the Godly ones they are sealed by the Great One and Locus know not to target these ones also
If you read the Exodus 12 1-23 You will notice the "Great One" uses the Destroyer (Abaddon)to kill the first born males of the Egyptians and anyone that did not follow the passover ritual and smear Lambs Blood over the lintel of the door. Yes if an Egyptian believed and followed the ritual they were passed over as well
Remember The Egyptians were killing all the male Jewish slave infants. This murder of the first born was in retaliation to this.
Abaddon is the Destroyer and he takes instruction from "The Great One" Him and his Angels are of a class above our angels. Little is known about these Angels however they have minds way more intelligent then us  or our Angels of the Earthly realm. They answer directly to the Great One. They do kill but not indiscriminately they kill or maim according to the Great Ones perfect judgement which is depending on the nature of the target. Sometimes its a quick painless mercy killing bringing their victims soul directly to the new heaven or a painful bloody slaughter and their soul is destined for the lake of fire. The bloody mess is to instill great fear in to those who witness it.

Read story below this explains the ones in the abyss

I had a very long dream it seem to last 8 hours. It was very vivid, clear and non nonsensical like other dreams normally are I have experienced a few dreams like this about 2 years ago but never before or since. I will describe the dream as best as possible I am hoping someone from Norway will recognize this place based on my description. I also believe this crime was uncovered there and they may have heard of it
The dream went like this don't know why but I was a new detective that was partnered up with a female detective. The City we were stationed at recently was given jurisdiction to a small town just to the east of  this city. We were investigating the disappearance of a young teenage girl in that small town. We were tipped that she was rapped and murdered and her body was being rendered like an animal in this tannery rendering plant. We were also tipped that many were involved and not to involve anyone including the police in that town. The details of this dream were so clear and vivid I am actually very certain this place exists. I know its in Norway
     The main street its on runs east and west the tannery is west of the big town or city and center of the old town a small street just west of the tannery runs south this would place the tannery on the south west corner of this T intersection
      There is what looks like a dark red silo 40 feet high with a coned black tared roof on it I should also mention the width of the silo is wider then any other silo I seen attached to the south east side of this silo was a dark red wooden structure that had a pitched black roof this building I would guess to be around 100 by 100 feet and its height was ten feet shy of the height of the silo.
   The street that ran south from the tannery on the east side of this street were old brick buildings The bricks were quit dark from age on the west side of the street were old houses. About 500 meters down this street facing south on the left side an other street ran east from it. On the south east corner of this intersection was an other building compared to all the other buildings this building was newer I suspect the other building and houses around it were 2 to 300 years I recon it was built in the 50s This was a single story beige colored brick building. The front of the building faced the street that ran east from the street that ran south from the tannery. It was about 500 feet wide and had. two glass doors in the center and on either side were 4 foot wide floor to roof plate glass windows there was also four or five slightly curved white plaster awning that extended 8 feet out that covered a 8 foot wide cement side walk that ran completely across the front of the building.
    Further down the street that ran south from the tannery about 700 more meters from the last street the street ended and at the end was an other street that ran east and west. on the south side of that street there seemed to be a park and a large white 2 story barn like wooden building just a little west almost across from the street that went south from the tannery. The building was some sort of recreation hall or dance hall or community center. I had a vision of a much older man like in his 40 coercing a young girl in to having sex with him near that building she eventually let him have his way.

The city to the east of it was quit modern and was expanding quit fast it extended out west and was absorbing the small town where this tannery was. The small town  estimate to be around 300 to 400 years old The Tannery was the main employer of this small town. This town had a mare and a small police force..
Back to the dream me and the female cop execute a search warrant in the tannery at the base of the silo inside the tannery there were these things that looked like damp rolled up dark colored carpets. We ask one of the worker to unroll them. After unrolling the first bolt out came the torso of what looked like a young girl it was just a torso the head arms and legs were cut off. The torso was clad in a black laced up bodice over what looked like a ping silk blouse.
  By this time the local police showed up not invited by us or our superior someone in the tannery called them. We had what we were looking for and left. We were diving west and then I got a vision I saw the local cops we left back at the tannery get there heads cut off the vision was so graphic it made my stomach turn. 5 minutes later we get a call from dispatch asking us to go back as there was some sort of trouble. I looked at my partner and say no way are we going back there.  I knew it was not only dangerous it a horror show. We make up some excuse not to go back and warn them to send someone with plenty of backup.
  We later find out the local cops were killed for failing to protect them from us. Turns out the towns elite and cops are in on the rapes and murders and these murders and rapes were going on for centuries.
Later we get a lead on one of the ring leaders he is very wealthy and also an elected official of the town.
We are in a large city that is way south of that tannery we are perusing this one guy we know that will know the whereabouts of whom we are looking for he spots us and runs he passes a streetcar loop or a bus loop and this big guy jumps the guy we are chasing. This big guy was caring ski equipment I try to talk to him and he speaks and I don't understand him an other guys says this is Norway cant you speak Norwegian. Prior to this I already knew i was somewhere in northern Europe i suspected Denmark.
We eventually track down the guy we were looking for and chase him into highrise he gets on the elevator before us we watch it and it stops on the seventh floor. We catch an other elevator and take it to the seventh floor. When the door opens he stumbles in he was bleeding profusely from his neck his throat was slashed. He falls to the floor and he start convulsing like crazy it is the scariest thing I ever witnessed and this was only a dream. I new he deserved to die but I knew I didn't have it in me to do it I was actually quite relieved someone did I found out later one of Abaddons dead things killed him. The reasoning is The Great One new there was not enough evidence to convict him and he also wanted him to go to the old Heaven again. He murdered in his past lives to but for some strange reason he was allowed in Heaven. The girls that him and others in that old town that raped and murdered were denied access to Heaven as they were not virgins. Although the one that murdered them were allowed entry. supposedly they repented. Actually the truth is is they are covering some dirty little secrets for Yaldabaoth and others.

 Next thing I am back in front that building I described earlier the one that was built in the 50s. And standing in front of the building are three extremely beautiful teenage girls they were the spirits of the murdered and raped girls. They said we were waiting for you we sacrificed our self's for you
When these girls were denied access to Heaven it was assumed by them in Heaven that they went to hell. In actual fact they went in to the abyss a nice comfortable place where all go who are unjustly denied access to Heaven they can be reborn from here or they can wait til the end of time then they can go to the new Heaven. Most opt to live again. These girls came down a few times but each time they were spotted by the evil elders they were murdered again. Nice eh
  There are some really unworthy peoples in the old Heaven including the ones that raped and murdered these poor girls.
  I do believe there are a lot of bad souls from that tribe in Norway not all of course but a lot and it goes back centuries.
My dream was about 2 years ago I realized then that the abyss and Abaddon are good.
   I nearly Jumped out of my skin when I heard about that massacre in Norway by Callous Breivik. My gut said  this had something to do with what was in that dream I had described above or perhaps to do with the bad blood in heaven or possibly  the beast is from the same tribe.

Note addendment May 1 2007 Interesting the guy that shot the 77 was from Norway well after I first posted this

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