Desolation set up June 27, 2009 eastern hemisphere June 26,
2009 Western hemisphere
Daniel 12-7 Refers that the end will be “times and a time
and a half times” which = 3.5 years = 1277.5 Days
Daniel 12-11 Refers that the end will be 1290 days
June 26, 2009 plus 1277.5 days = 12:00 -6 GMT December 24, 2012 Christmas
eve Eastern hemisphere
June 26, 2009 plus 1290 days = January 6, 2013 Orthodox Christmas
eve Eastern hemisphere
June 27, 2009 plus 1277.5 days = 24:00 +6 GMT December 25, 2012 Christmas Day Western hemisphere
June 27, 2009 plus 1290 days = January 7, 2013 Orthodox Christmas Day Western hemisphere
In the western hemisphere June 26, 2009 plus 1277.5 days = 12:00 -6 GMT December
24, 2012 the first day after the after the last day of the long count which coincides with the August 13, 3114 BC plus 13 X 144000 days = December 23, 2012 long
count period Mayan calendar end date.
Revelation 21-1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.