The End of Time and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

This is my account and best interpretations of my first encounters with Gang Stalkers then Locus (see Rev 9-3) as well as paranormal events and visions that I witnessed which started April 2006 and still continues to me on occasion to this day December 2018. I am not a biblical scholar I suggest you read the book of revelations. Then read this site however these interpretation may be wrong. This end of time event is extremely complex and hard to get your head around I am still trying to make sense of all this my self and is a work in progress and I know I have not interpreted correctly my visions see post tittled "I am at a loss" however I believe I am about 70 % accurate. It can not be explained in just a few paragraphs. This site is to help you find your way back to the tree of life. It has a fresh look at the bible and covers many common misinterpretations making it less nonsensical to the modern western educated reader. If you already have studied the bible keep an open mind as this site will present you with some radical interpretations that are completely different then older common interpretations. We are much wiser now it only makes sense that our interpretations would be different.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mayan long count and the book of revelations

Mayan long count 13 X 144000. 13 represent the thirteenth tribe created then slaughtered at the beginning of this current creation "The lamb slaughtered from the foundation of life" see Revelation 13-8 The Lamb would have been the 25 elder the founding father of the 13 tribe. Jesus is the reincarnate of this Lamb. The bible only mentions 24 elders or 12 couples The bible mentions 12 tribes and 144000 this is no coincidence. Friday and 13 are very unlucky for Jesus. 1260 is mentioned a few times in the bibles book of revelations and 260 is the day count of the Mayan calender tzolkin. The digits 260 are no coincidence either.

What will happen in July, 1999? - Century 10, Quatrain 72(1)
Prophecies of Nostradamus: The Explicit Prophecy for July, 1999, and the Spiritual Deception of Mankind by the Antichrist.
In the year 1999 and seven months [July]
The great King of Terror will come from the sky

He will resurrect Ghengis Khan
Before and after war rules happily.

The rapture started July 1999 and will end 13 years later December 23, 2012 The end of the Mayan long count using August 13 3114BC as the start date of the current long count. 13 is no coincidence. I still am hoping it will be sooner perhaps 07/07/2012. Two passages in the revelations keeps coming to mind "And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake" Mathew 24-22 and Mark 13-20. I erroneously chose two past dates as well because of these passages.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The book of life

The Lamb even if he wanted to can not add or subtract anyone from the book of life only the Great One can alter this list. Many people have been historically labeled evil and wrongfully judged as being evil. You may be surprised as who is in the book of life. His judgement is perfect and final if you believed a person to be evil and he is in this book your belief is simply factually wrong.
Adam and Eve were of the last creation before this current one. In their creation there was only one tribe one family only one nation. Because they were one there was little war and much less strife then this creation this peaceful place was paradise if you will. These men created the tower of Babel to usurp God and do evil.Our spirits are descendents of this last creation. At the end of the last Mayan long count all mans flesh of that creation was destroyed and a new creation of man with twelve Angels/Gods twelve tribes, twelve languages, and twelve nations were created as per the tower of Babel story man was scattered and the tongs were confused. The cultural and Angelic/Gods differences created much strife, suffering and much war amongst men. The original sin was from our sin creating the tower of Babel in the last creation. Satan was the Chief ruler or God of that existence Yaldabaoth brother aka God of heaven is the chief ruler of this existence. These Gods/Angels are not the grand creator the term God is not even appropriate for the grand creator. See
The sin of us eating the apple was not mans it was Yaldibaoth for leaving the tree within our reach and Satan's for tempting Eve.
 The four angels bound at the river of Euphrates Rev 9-13 are angels from the last creation that aided man in the building of  the tower of Babel. They were imprisoned until now they knew the date of when they would be released 07/07/07. They were resurrected by DNA manipulations that allowed them to steel and posses the flesh/body of a humans. Under the guise of God and religion they deceived the horseman (humans) into killing and murdering based on false and incorrect judgements of Yaldibaoth aka God of the old heaven and his human most high 24 elders the elders did not know of an authority higher then god of heaven god of heaven did. Innocent victims did not suffer and went directly to the new heaven. These humans were deceived in to taking the mark of the beast under the guise of being the seal of God. They will die. The four Angels did not learn from there last transgression and murdered viciously when they were unbound. Again like the tower of Babel they disregarded the Great Ones rule and used mans DNA manipulations to do evil and usurp the "Great Ones" judgement.

Like Man the Angels/Gods to have eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil thus making them subject to the Great Ones final judgement.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

End of Days GangStalker's 144000 12 tribes

      I believe  December 23, 2012 (possibly before my dates have been wrong before but no later) there will be a rebirth of the 144000 (its no coincidence this number 144000 is in the Mayan long count as well as the bible's book of revelations Chapter 14) that have been following the lamb (See Book of revelations chapter 14) for about 5 years now since April 27 2007 give or take a few days. These 144000 have experienced a first death. Their bodies have not died however their spirits have. Their spirits still exist in their bodies however in an advanced state of consciousness the same state of conciseness everyone attains upon death. They are in a state of nirvana (they can recall previous lives). They also have a psychic  like ability to remote view a genetic relative of their given tribe (see through the eyes of there relatives as well have access to their thoughts mind read). They all however regardless of tribe have the ability to remote view and access the thoughts of the lamb that is how they follow him they can do this from any location on the globe."Through the eyes of one man, all mankind will see" I do believe they are also Locus described in Revelations chapter 9-3 because of their powers they can Vex unknowing individuals and are sometimes mistakenly labeled Gang Stalkers by the individuals.
      The 144000 are divided into 12 groups of 12000 each from one of the 12 original tribes created around the globe. Amongst each of the twelve tribes are one of the lambs twelve apostles (Anointed by the great one as leaders of their perspective tribes) I believe 144000 number was chosen for symbolic reasons and the number of these individuals is much much more higher then this. The 24 elders are actually the original 12 couples created and placed around the globe (Twelve foundations of life)
     Everyone on this planet will know love and trust at least one of them. In their current state these 144000 individuals appear 100 percent normal to anyone they know and they are forbidden to discus with anyone what they are observing.
  They will come back to life 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) December 23 2012 which is 2:00 AM Jerusalem Time (GMT+2)  December 24 2012.
 The Lambs time zone GMT-5.
The Temple in Jerusalem were the false Idol or Image of the beast Rev 13-14,15 resides (GMT+2)
This is also 3.5 day after "the sacrifice and the oblation to cease" Daniel 9-27
This date corresponds with the Mayan calender end of the long count using the correct start date of August 13 not the August 11 start date corresponding to December 21 the date most believe as the end date.
    When they come back to life (resurrected, leave the nirvana state) they will return back to a normal state as they were prior to their first death. They will no longer have access to there previous lives they will loose the ability to remote view however they will retain the memory of everything they experienced over the years of their first death state.
   By their testimony the news and the meaning of this phenomenal event will very quickly span to every person on the planet. They will also hold the new covenant. Many who are not of the redeemed and are currently in a state of tribulation (great fear as they are witnessing some terrifying paranormal events) will also testify and attest to the 144000s divine authority see Rev 7-14. Many to whom have gotten victory over the beast over his image and over his mark whom are also in currently in great tribulation will also testify Rev 15-2.
 Christ is a word not Jesus this word translates to savior. The 144000 sacrificed at least 5 years of their lives to this event. The 144000 of them are Christs (saviors). Their overwhelming and undisputed testimony will heal the nations. Through their sacrifice and work Peace on Earth will be a reality
      The lamb (Jesus in a past life) has rededicated Christmas as a day to honer the 144000 Christs and the creator not Jesus. December 25, 2012 the world and the Heavens will see a most joy-est celebration like no other since the beginning of time to honor the sacrifice of the 144000 and to honor the creator.

a point of interest Jesus's birthday was not December 25 it was actually June 17, 2 BC. Search this date and include the star of Bethlehem and you will see why. December 25 was seemingly randomly chosen to celibate his birth. The Great One for obvious prophetic reasons influenced the choice of December 25
see also

If this date passes with out incident then I will refer back to a previous post " I am at a loss" see link below

Thursday, April 26, 2012

New posible theory on Locus gangstalkers

There are at least two types of groups of Gang Stalkers. The first group are working for the elite that recruited them under the guise of the betterment of society. They are consciously aware of what they are doing and due to the recruitment methods used to recruit them they are generally not nice people.
  The second group only use tactics like street theater or seem to read the targets mind or know things about the target that they should not know and say a word or start talking about something that seems to be about the target . This group are totally unaware that there words or actions are spooking the heck out of the target. There words and actions were unconsciously suggested to them by daemons and this suggestion caused them to impulsively do or say something that was pertinent to the targets thinking or fears.  At the same time a daemon is influencing the target with a sense of dread fear and paranoia to not let the target miss the vex.
     This type of influence by spirits has been going on since the beginning of time a lot of times these spiritual nudges are to protect or convey insight to the individual. When you get a gut feel about something it is likely a spiritual nudge from a spirit. For the most part the number of spirits affecting you are are limited to your ancestors and ancestors of close friends and acquaintances however under some circumstances this number can be high perhaps you have a lot of influence on a large group of people and  your actions or decisions can effect the multitudes the number of spirits can increase  quite substantially. These spirits are very cleaver and crafty. Many spirits are good and many are bad If you are a righteous type person the good spirits will try to aid you and the bad ones will hinder you. Most Wars and acts of cruelty can be attributed to daemons. 
      Most targeted individuals are smart and good natured and more often then not there was an attempt to recruit you to join them. They would try to recruit you by trying to get you involved with something that you knew was wrong. You likely have a strong sense of the protection of some universal rights like the right to privacy. When you become targeted yo also become targeted by bad spirits as well these daemons will follow you around and influence strangers to say or do something that the daemons knows will spook the heck out of the target.
    Back in the early days of man these spirits were a lot more obvious however with the advent of atheism and science they became a lot more stealthy they do not want us to believe they exist.
   Where are the good spirits through this they are there I noticed a few vexes and actions from the unknowing gang stalkers that actually made me feel good and that good will always triumph evil. I believe the good spirits were following along on my interpretation of the revelations and used people the same as the bad ones to send a hidden message to me.
  The second coming of Jesus is a man that is never believed by any living person on this earth. His work is to educate heal and steer most of the daemons back to righteousness and not follow the path to a realm with no Omnipotent or omnipresent creator. and reaffirm the faith of the good spirits in a loving creator of everything.    When all the spirits are in line these spirits will influence people to embrace the Gospel of Jesus and the world will enter a new phase of peace love and understanding.
    Some mostly the most wicked of them will not head the warning and will go anyway to this other creatorless realm and with there new powers afforded to them by the sciences they will embark on a seemingly noble path that will create a world that they can manipulate themselves and ultimately end up creating an eternal hell. Since they rejected the teaching and the creator he will simply let them go and not help them.  The expression here is give them enough rope and they will hang them selves. We need the creators protection to protect are selves from are selves.

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