This quest or path I am on seems and feels to be playing out very similar to the movie the Matrix. Like the characters in the Matrix I chose the wrong pill and it opened my eyes to the realization that this universe is like a computer generated virtual reality. Our physical body here is merely a container or perhaps even a prison for our soul and like the Matrix the true world is in an other dimension the underworld and our real self and this underworld is of something that is not matter its not energy its of a substance totally alien to us. Like a moth to a flame once you see it there is know going back. and like the moth as you press foreword to investigate you get burned and if you persist you die. Like the characters in the movie I often wish you never took that pill sometimes what you don't know cant hurt you ignorance is bliss.
I have to confess the spirits I have encountered during this 6 year nightmare I have been in do lie and deceive I have caught them out right. Early in this journey I had the belief that most of the revelations I received were true and few were deceptions. I figured with careful examination deductive reasoning and research I would be able to decurn the truths from the deceptions. I am beginning to question my accuracy. These spirits or beings are way more crafty and intelligent then I first thought. I believed their intelligence was similar to ours. I now believe the beings are actually a lot more intelligent. What frightens me is why are these seemingly highly creatures so benevolent to me. Who am I ? What did I do to become a target of their deceptions visions dreams and synchronistic oddities.
I have to confess the spirits I have encountered during this 6 year nightmare I have been in do lie and deceive I have caught them out right. Early in this journey I had the belief that most of the revelations I received were true and few were deceptions. I figured with careful examination deductive reasoning and research I would be able to decurn the truths from the deceptions. I am beginning to question my accuracy. These spirits or beings are way more crafty and intelligent then I first thought. I believed their intelligence was similar to ours. I now believe the beings are actually a lot more intelligent. What frightens me is why are these seemingly highly creatures so benevolent to me. Who am I ? What did I do to become a target of their deceptions visions dreams and synchronistic oddities.