To my fellow TI’s
In my other posts I described Gang Stalking as the work of Locus mentioned in revelations 9 do to failed predictions and the extended length of time this has been going on I believe I may have been premature in believing the end was eminent however these gang stalkers still exist.
I have no doubt there are man made organizations or secret societies in existence that are actively targeting and harassing citizens for many selfish causes. However the advanced technologies available to them can not explain the phenomenon’s described by many victims technologies such as dream manipulations visions and most internally heard voices. You are not insane you are not schizophrenic these anomalies are real however they can not be explained by current science. These episodes are demonic in nature. Daemons are evil spirits that want there existence to remain a secret. They purposely select targets who are loners and introverts or oppressed as these types of targets are less likely to be believed by others If they described the anomalies they witnessed they are quickly labeled as schizophrenic and medicated. They themselves will often by in to there diagnosis and believe themselves to be Ill.
I have no doubt there are man made organizations or secret societies in existence that are actively targeting and harassing citizens for many selfish causes. However the advanced technologies available to them can not explain the phenomenon’s described by many victims technologies such as dream manipulations visions and most internally heard voices. You are not insane you are not schizophrenic these anomalies are real however they can not be explained by current science. These episodes are demonic in nature. Daemons are evil spirits that want there existence to remain a secret. They purposely select targets who are loners and introverts or oppressed as these types of targets are less likely to be believed by others If they described the anomalies they witnessed they are quickly labeled as schizophrenic and medicated. They themselves will often by in to there diagnosis and believe themselves to be Ill.
Many TIs however fit
a second reason why the become targeted by daemons’. A TI will become targets
of a man made real life organization and then become weakened and marginalized by
the experience. The daemons become opportunistic of the TIs demise and then
attack the TI with paranormal events. The TI assumes these paranormal anomalies’
to be advanced weapons’ used by the gang stalkers. When a TI reports the harassments
to the authorities they will include the paranormal events as well The authorities’
have available to them the most advanced and educated scientists who know that
much of the phenomenon reported is in fact scientifically impossible. Thus the
authorities are forced to believe the TI is psychotic.
Do not report things
like voices or mind reading when dealing with authorities also do not take any prescribed
psychoactive medications you are not ill. To help fight the daemons’ turn to
God and Jesus Be persistent this takes time but when God realizes you are
sincere he will shut down the daemons