The End of Time and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

This is my account and best interpretations of my first encounters with Gang Stalkers then Locus (see Rev 9-3) as well as paranormal events and visions that I witnessed which started April 2006 and still continues to me on occasion to this day December 2018. I am not a biblical scholar I suggest you read the book of revelations. Then read this site however these interpretation may be wrong. This end of time event is extremely complex and hard to get your head around I am still trying to make sense of all this my self and is a work in progress and I know I have not interpreted correctly my visions see post tittled "I am at a loss" however I believe I am about 70 % accurate. It can not be explained in just a few paragraphs. This site is to help you find your way back to the tree of life. It has a fresh look at the bible and covers many common misinterpretations making it less nonsensical to the modern western educated reader. If you already have studied the bible keep an open mind as this site will present you with some radical interpretations that are completely different then older common interpretations. We are much wiser now it only makes sense that our interpretations would be different.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

targeted individuals - Electronic harrassment

There are sites out there doing a real disservice to victims they claim that you may be a victim of made made electronic harassment. Man does have the means to some of the technologies they describe but taping in to ones mind to inject visions and alter dreams??. I do not dispute people are suffering from these kinds of intrusions however they are not made made they are daemonic, devine or paranormal in nature. These are signs of the end of time. The answer is prayer also your suffering is near over.
Some of these sites may even be run by evil ones that know they are working for the beast and the ones described in the book of revelations chapter 9 verses15 through 19 they know they are distributing lies to confuse victims to them if you are reading I suggest you read the next post in this blog.

Abaddon and Locus book of revelations chapter 9 verses 3 through 11 have the same abilities described below however  their targets are only vexed to make them reach out for Jesus.

The following is an excerpt from one of these sites most described below are demonic in nature not man made.

  • You experience visual distortions and hallucinations.
  • You experience manipulation of will, emotions, feelings, and perceptions.
  • You experience reading thoughts remotely, retrieving memories, implanting personalities.
  • You experience debilitating mental acuity: inability to concentrate, disruption of ability to think rationally and independently.
  • You experience loss of memory and knowledge.
  • You experience Inadequate states, which targeted individuals have never experienced before (states of narcotic intoxication, depression, obsessive desires and so on).
  • You experience blurred vision.
  • You experience burning sensations on your skin or internal organs. – Excruciating, artificial pain in any part of the body, including heart attacks and other serious, medical conditions.
  • You feel pin pricks on various parts of your body. – Cramps, seizures and spasms
  • You feel some type of energy moving inside your body.
  • You experience extreme head pains.
  • You feel drop-in-your-tracks fatigue on a regular basis.
  • You continually have difficulty sleeping. – Control of sleep patterns: sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep.
  • You experience forced speech. – Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands.
  • You experience uncontrolled-by-you movements of limbs or other body parts.
  • You hear the voices of other people inside your mind with no other signs of mental illness.
  • You hearing intense loud sound or electronic-sounding noise, often mistaken for tinnitus (microwave hearing).
  • You hearing voices that sounds like chanting while an electrical machine is on (radio, fridge, electric fan, air conditioning, air vent).
  • You hearing voices that sounds like chanting while water is running in sink, toilet bowl, faucet or shower.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Last warning yor time to act is now!

If you are a victim of locus and you consider your self good natured and not evil you are  likely being targeted because you are working dangerously close to the evil ones and are indirectly profiting from spoils of the evil ones. You were targeted to get you out of the crossfire and hopefully find Jesus and be guided back to the creator. You may feel like you were unjustly punished but trust me you are better of dead or living in a cardboard box on the side of the road like a pan handler then staying put with the evil ones you do not want to go to where they are going "The Lake of Fire". Abbadon leads the locus and also has a force of what I termed dead thing angels these dead thing angels are the suicide bombers also they flew the plans in nine eleven attack they kill with out impunity the person that originally occupied the flesh that the dead things are occupying have long gone and their human spirits are likely in the new heaven. The great one gave them Abbadon (note I said the "Great One" not the "God of earth") authority to kill without impunity if they kill an innocent person that person is considered martyred for the cause they did not suffer and immediately went to the new heaven and will be included in the tree of life. The dead thing angels primarily target the evil ones and their offspring the off spring of the evil ones that are considered innocent may make it to heaven the evil ones will die and go to the lake of fire for a predetermined length of suffering and may eventually make it back to the tree of life however if their evil acts were deemed too evil to be reconciled they are annihilated after their stay in the lake of fire their spirits are at least at piece the point of annihilation their suffering stops some of you are beyond the point of redemption and will be annihilated however if you change your ways now you will be able to shorten your stay and possibly save your offspring in the lake of fire there is at least peace at the point of annihilation. Eternal hell is cruel and serves no purpose you can not escape the lake of fire however you can shorten your stay and possibly save others from the same fate how you might ask? By testifying to your loved ones and anyone else that will listen the atrocities you witnessed and engaged in. The Lamb AKA the reincarnate of Jesus opened the seals. The false prophet is the Angel/God of earth he knows of however has in the past denied the existence of "The Invisible Spirit" see the "Secret book of John" If you are  still in the clutches of the beast waiting for some miracle to happen you are waiting your time the locus rescued the savable ones the saved ones are either homeless or in an institution labeled insane. Your only way out is to testify to the atrocities you witnessed and possibly taken part in. Do not wait for the fall of Babylon or some other divine sign to act the time to act is now! this post is the only sign you will get from Jesus do not expect any miracles you are responsible for your own fate as well as the fate of your loved ones.

You so called holly ones killed the mother of the Woman in revelation twelve and attempted to kill the Woman as well. The “Great One” himself  launched the lightning that destroyed your killing facility. Her mother’s blood was shed because of my testimony I will avenge her death and avenge all the deaths of others that were killed because of my testimony.

Read Isaiah 53 carefully People expect that on Jesuses return he will be shooting lightning bolts out his ass and performing and all sorts of wonders. He reveals himself only to be ridiculed lied about and denounced by his father and the so called holy ones. Read the crucifixion hymn as well you can find it by searching this site.

You holly ones selected Daniels interpretation of the dream you should have interpreted the dream your self Danial's interpretation is clearly wrong the kingdom is not given back to the holly ones

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Babylon’s fall is imminent

    Babylon’s fall is imminent (Before March 24 2012). The inhabitants of this city all have the mark of the beast. They received an anointing and believe the anointing was Gods seal that would protect them from Locus Rev 9-3. They do not realize this anointing they received was actually the mark of the beast a genetic hack.. They believe the Lamb is the beast. Many though are realizing their error and will flee the city in time to escape the destruction.

   I made reference to a city that may be Babylon in a previous post. After much thought I realize I am probably wrong I am at a loss as to what city it may be however many of the inhabitants of this city will know.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Stats search keywords last 30 days Dec 2011

The following is a report that shows keywords used by users that brought them to this site over the last 30 days. This report will give you an idea of how wide spread this gang stalking phenomenon is as well as the mind set of these users. Many see the signs that the end is here.

Keyword Country/Territory Visits Pages
1 (not provided) United States 9 6
2 gang stalking - november 2011 United States 2 6
3 gangstalkers United States 2 3
4 jesus prediction on 2012 India 2 2
5 rh negative gang stalking United States 2 1.5
6 gang stalking and "electronic" and "pain" and "tooth" United States 1 2
7 new world order Australia 1 2
8 (not provided) Panama 1 2
9 anti christ ganf Malaysia 1 9
10 anti gangstalking churches United States 1 6
11 cause stalking and christians United States 1 6
12 destroyer abaddon coming 2012 Botswana 1 6
13 direct energy weapons + pressure United States 1 2
14 does stalking end United Kingdom 1 4
15 draco gang stalking implants United States 1 2
16 electroinc harassment muscle twitches China 1 5
17 electronic mind control gangs Canada 1 2
18 end gangstalking France 1 2
19 end of time calculator United States 1 2
20 end of time of the new world order United Arab Emirates 1 2
21 end of world Romania 1 2
22 end times stalking jesus christ Canada 1 2
23 endtimes signs gangstalking Greece 1 2
24 evil spirits and gang stalking United States 1 2
25 gand stalking and heaven Malta 1 2
26 gang United States 1 2
27 gang stalker Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 2
28 gang stalkers and jesus Malta 1 6
29 gang stalkers and the illuminatti United States 1 2
30 gang stalking 2011 demons United States 1 2
31 gang stalking and jesus christ Malta 1 4
32 gang stalking and the coming of jesus christ Malta 1 4
33 gang stalking bible United States 1 2
34 gang stalking by tea torso United States 1 2
35 gang stalking christians Canada 1 4
36 gang stalking family United States 1 6
37 gang stalking god Canada 1 4
38 gang stalking in the middle east United Kingdom 1 4
39 gang stalking mind reading Belgium 1 2
40 gang stalking nwo promising United States 1 2
41 gang stalking signals United States 1 8
42 gang stalking turkey Turkey 1 2
43 gang stalking victim shyness United States 1 6
44 gangstalkers are extraterrestrials United States 1 6
45 gangstalking nov 30 2011 United States 1 6
46 gangstalking spain France 1 6
47 gangstalkingdecember 2012 United States 1 8
48 goal of gangstalking United States 1 2
49 god and gang stalking Malta 1 6
50 god's angels gang United States 1 8
51 how do you kill stalkers in revelations United States 1 2
52 how to find stalker revelation Georgia 1 2
53 is the illluminati connected to gang stalking United States 1 8
54 jesus blood type France 1 2
55 jesus end times United Kingdom 1 2
56 locus gang United States 1 2
57 mind control dew Canada 1 2
58 new zealand gang stalking United States 1 2
59 nwo-organized stalking ssss Italy 1 2
60 oddity in blood type United Arab Emirates 1 2
61 organised stalking United Kingdom 1 4
62 organized stalking origins United States 1 2
63 polish mind stalkig United Kingdom 1 2
64 pregnant by gang stalker United States 1 2
65 psychotherapists and organized stalking United States 1 2
66 revelations kill stalkers Romania 1 2
67 salvation army involved in gang stalking uk United Kingdom 1 2
68 satanic gang stalking United States 1 2
69 secret time experiment justin toft United States 1 2
70 signs of end and new world order Russia 1 2
71 testamony of a gangstalker United States 1 2
72 the bible and stalkers United Kingdom 1 2
73 the death of gang stalkers Singapore 1 4
74 the secret revelation of john - the secret book of john United States 1 2
75 the whore of babylon Australia 1 2
76 ti gang victims United States 1 2
77 time of new world order 2011 november Kuwait 1 2
78 transponder tooth Switzerland 1 2
79 types of gang stalking United States 1 2
80 whore of babylon g7 Canada 1 6
81 will organized stalking ever end? United States 1 2

93 3.5

Monday, December 5, 2011

Electronic weapons

When I first started getting my visions strange dreams, voices in my head and tactile hallucinations I did read about other peoples suffering the same however they attributed these strange phenomenon to some sort of advanced electronic directed energy weapon. I did contemplate it and consider it very thoroughly. The thing is the visions and dreams were so complicated and so detailed it would take a huge amount of data to generate such detailed multilayered visions not to mention the visions seemed to be tied in to your current thought process. This means your thoughts had to be collected then interpreted then incorporated in real time with your next vision. I noticed some visions seamed to be layered over top of my optic nerves giving the appearance I was seeing the aberration through my eyes I know it was not some sort of holographic generated image as I was the only one that could see it. Other visions were in my head completely similar to imagining the face of someone you know and seeing in a mental picture in your head. Supposing such a gadget existed to generate an image that you would see super imposed on what you see through your eyes.The optic nerve contains around 1.2 million nerve fibers. The only plausible way to generate an image would be to electrically stimulate all the necessary optic nerves to generate this image this stimuli would have to have incorporated the colour and brightness of the object also you would have to stimulate the optic nerves that corresponds with the correct cells in the retina as it would appear if the image was real. When you consider the eye moves very rapidly it would be a task just to redirect the beam to follow the correct optic nerve. When it gets right down to it the task is so complex it would be impossible.

I also have an advantage I had an experience back in 1990 that gave me absolute unequivocal knowledge of Gods existence. I essentially had a vision of my stepmother while lying in bed she said to me its OK without speaking or moving her lips. I sat bolt upright and thought oh my God she just died I thought for a bit and thought don't be ridicules shes OK. an hour later the phone rang she died.

One of my visions was of a bunch of locus including the woman from rev 12 drowning in a modified box car that would be humped into a deep pond thus drowning the occupants I watched the woman take her last breath and close her eyes at that very second a bolt of lightning hit the building I was in with a huge crash of thunder this bolt of lightning was real from a real thunderstorm that just started that moment outside my apartment. The people running the death machine upon hearing the lightning took off  running. The woman's eyes opened at the same time as the crack of thunder just as two guys swam in an rescued her. How could this vision be tied to a real bolt of lightning unless the vision was divinely generated.

I do suspect they may have developed a transponder implant that can read ones thoughts and generate internal voices though. However I also believe this technology may actually really be a demonic trick designed to trap and damn souls of evil people that think its OK to terrorize people by reading their thoughts.Because it works these people assume it and were deceived in to thinking it was science.  

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