The four angels work to create the new babylon see John Calvins foot note below
Rev 9:15 And the foure Angels were loosed, which were prepared at an houre, at a day, at a moneth, and at a yeere, to slay the thirde part of men.
(13) The execution of the commandment is in two parts: one, that those butchers are let loose, that out of their tower of the spiritual Babylon they might with fury run abroad through all the world, as well the chief of that crew who are most prompt to all the work, in this verse: as their multitudes, both most copious, of which a number certain is named for a number infinite (Rev_9:16) and in themselves by all means fully furnished to hide and to hurt (Rev_9:17) as being armed with fire, smoke and brimstone, as appears in the colour of this armour, which dazzles the eyes to all men, and have the strength of lions to cause pain, from which (as out of their mouth) the fiery, smoky, and stinking darts of the pope are shot out (Rev_9:18) The other part, that these butchers have effected the commandment of God by fraud and violence, in the two verses following (Rev_9:16-17).
Rev 9:16 And the nomber of horsemen of warre were twentie thousand times ten thousand: for I heard the nomber of them.
Rev 9:17 And thus I saw the horses in a vision, & them that sate on them, hauing firie habbergions, and of Iacinth, and of brimstone, and the heads of the horses were as the heades of lyons: and out of their mouthes went foorth fire and smoke and brimstone.
Rev 9:18 Of these three was the thirde part of men killed, that is, of the fire, and of the smoke, and of the brimstone, which came out of their mouthes.
Rev 9:19 For their power is in their mouths, and in their tailes: for their tailes were like vnto serpents, and had heades, wherewith they hurt.